

We are here to serve, educate and to provide holistic and balanced Chiropractic and Healthcare to Humans from all walks of life. Located in Glen Osmond within Abergeldie House, and at Willunga on High St, we are a small boutique practice that focus’s on individual results and overall wellbeing.

About Sol.

Dr Georgia Avery- Founder/Principal Chiropractor.

B.ApSc (Chiro), B.HSc. (Chiro)

Dr Georgia founded Sol with a passion to provide the care that she herself had experience and benefited from, but also seeing a need to address a wider range of factors in her clients health, and having seen the need for more holistic based chiropractors in Adelaide, she opened Sol Chiro in 2020.

Dr Georgia has a range of interests including Women's and Children's health, Sports performance and General Wellbeing. She is one of only a few practitioners of NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) in the state and has continued with post grad studies in maternity and paediatric care. She loves how Chiropractic and NET assists with helping the mind AND body to process stress (and don't we all need all the help we can get in this busy world!).

Georgia’s techniques range from classical Chiropractic techniques, through to gentle (non cracking and clicking) techniques, functional dry needling, and of course NET, which uses a combination of kinesiology and gentle spinal adjustments to correct tension points within the spine and body.

When she's not chatting your ear off about the mind, body and spine, Dr Georgia can generally be found enjoying cheese, wine and sunsets, searching for new beaches to 4WD on, or chasing a football round the field for Norwood Football Club.

She looks forward to meeting you and your family!

What is Chiropractic and how

can it help you?

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the art of assessing and adjusting the spine, in order to influence and activate the nervous system. It is a 5 year minimum degree in Australia and practitioners can be found all around the world.

What is the nervous system?

Our nervous system is the MOST IMPORTANT piece to the functioning of our overall health. It controls everything! From running and jumping and playing sports, to growing, thinking and digesting, it is important that at ALL stages of life to get your nervous system checked!

Isn’t your nervous system in your brain? How does that relate to your spine?

WELL…your skull and spine houses and protects your nerves that travel out to everywhere in the body-muscles..organs…even your blood vessels are controlled by nerves! And when parts of our spine are dysfunctional and stiff (subluxated), our nervous system feels that stiffness and will start functioning at a slower pace. Our body and brain can struggle to heal itself, and will slowly make negative changes to the dysfunction. This is often where we start to see wear and tear and poor posture start to affect our body…pain sets in and a good nights sleep, stretching and massages stop working.

What does a chiropractor do?

Our chiropractors use a range of techniques to check your spine for tight, dyfunctional and subluxated joints…they check muscle strength, will check xrays, and will ask questions about your health that guides them to understanding where and how your body has started dysfunctioning. After thoroughly checking your spine, our chiropractors will work with you to create a plan that gets your health and nervous system back on track as quickly as possible.

Does is hurt?

It shouldn’t! Pain is often a sign of weakness, inflammation and dysfunction in the joints, and so sometimes there may be tender points in your body that your Chiropractor may need to adjust. At Sol Chiropractic we use a range of gentle and manual techniques that are adapted to each person, depending on what their body needs and their comfort level. Some bodies respond well to gentle movements, while others thrive with a more hands on approach. We love that everyone is different!

Who should see a Chiropractor?

Everyone! If you’ve got a nervous system, you should be getting a chiropractor to check it regularly! Our Chiropractor’s see people of all ages from newborn babies fresh out their mums tum, to sports people, tradies, officeworkers, acrobats and even our own Chiropractors get adjusted regular.

What is NET?

It stands for Neuro Emotional Technique!

NET was designed by Dr Scott Walker in 1980 to assess and address the way that our body responds to stress. He was constantly noticing that clients would get up from the table in great function and feeling better, but they’d go back into life and the same issues would present over and over again-and their health was plateauing. Using a mixture of Muscle testing , Kinesiology, Chinese Medicine Accupressure points, and combining them with specific Chiropractic adjustments, NET was born. It has been used by practitioners around the world since.

NET uses muscle testing to test how our neurology is reacting to a stressful stimulus. If our neurology is over or undersensitive, our reaction to a normal (or stressful situation) can be anywhere from annoying (tense jaw, shoulders, tummy ache) to completely inappropriate (panic attacks, anxiety, trauma responses). This is termed Sympathetic Dominance and can lead to acute but also chronic/long term health concerns. NET chiropractic adjustments are designed to reduce the reactivity of the nervous system to stressful triggers, and stimulate a resting state.

Visit us:

11 High St Willunga SA


548 Portrush Rd, Glen Osmond SA

Contact us:

Dr Georgia: 0435 857 701

Willunga Practice: 08 8556 2668